"UTS (Universal Test System)" assembly test system
HEITEC has developed a universally applicable functional test system based on the PXI system using a test stand and Lab-VIEW. This test system covers a wide range of functional test requirements for printed circuit boards, which can be contacted either by means of plug-in or needle bed adaptation.Realisation
The Universal Test System (UTS) is a system that can be used to test all functional requirements for the various assemblies. This test system essentially consists of the three main components TestStand, LabVIEW and a PXI platform.
The TestStand software platform controls the user administration (administrator, operator), the parameterisation of the individual test scenarios, database connections via LAN, the control of the specific test sequences and the subsequent report generation. The specific test software modules are realised using the Lab-VIEW graphical development environment and implemented in TestStand.
The standardised PXI (PCI eXtentions for Instrumentation) 14-slot chassis forms the hardware platform, which combines a powerful controller module with plug-in cards for a wide range of tasks in the areas of signal generation and data acquisition. The DUTs are adapted via interchangeable cassettes (DUT-specific adapters) with plug-in contacts, which in turn are connected to the functional test system via a VPC (Virginia Panel Corporation) G12 interface.